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Happy Mutant Profile

the specialist

The 10th Anniversary Final SubGenius Devival

April 16, 2008 9:33pm

DADA is everything.
Buddy 66 - you hit it - it is DADA at its best.

Figure at rest inside a latex vacuum bed (video)

April 16, 2008 12:26pm

thank you all, so very much, for creating a new definition of sexuality.

artists do that a lot.

Figure at rest inside a latex vacuum bed (video)

April 14, 2008 6:31pm

oh come on people - everything off kilter or so called "deviant" is not sexual. This is about as "sexual" as a floor lamp or a cloud. It is only deemed "sexual" because their is a small group of people out there who think it is cool to be weird, and calling something "sexual" just makes it more sensational - that's all. How could you possible orgasm from this contraption? or feel somehow intimate with another human? It is just wierd, that's all, like people with tattoos claiming to "express their individuality" by picking a piece from a catalogue. As one nonconformist said to the other -"count me in too!". These folks must be very lonely....

It just proves Andy's long standing point - "art is what you can get away with..."

whoop dee doo.


Ornate Steampunk LEGO Mecha

March 13, 2008 10:31pm

first papercraft x lolcatz, now this!omg stop it you guys you could start up a black hole or something...

Jacko's Neverland Ranch needs some TLC

March 10, 2008 10:08pm

waaa. yiff in hell, has-been.

Using Mathematica to decorate Easter Eggs

March 10, 2008 11:37am

um, disconnect, go OUTSIDE and color and hide some eggs. work on you tan a little.

Gold-plated wireless lightswitch

March 10, 2008 11:29am

i think is posted as a reminder of all the silly meaningless 'arf projects' and 'gadgets' that waste our time and drain the checking accounts of the mindless 'bigger better faster now' crowd. think of it as a way of mentally culling the herd. but if this guy makes a million dollars off it, like, say, other useless over hyped crapgadgets, MORE POWER TO HIM. VIVA LA CAPITALIST PIGS! I SMELL BACON!!!

Bedu: Emergency Shelter in a Barrel

March 9, 2008 10:29pm

if you are taking your machine with you , well, you are not really camping now, are you?

The Sharper Image Not Honoring Gift Cards, Certificates

March 9, 2008 10:03pm

um, sorry, but you may be better off. their stores are mostly just full of cheap and useless chinese crap anyway. last time i browsed a TSI store, i was just worn out looking for something that made any sense at all and didnt just look like it was waiting to get home to fall apart.

i mean, get real, what do you expect from gimmix r us?

The Fast and the Furriest

March 9, 2008 9:28pm

you can drift your ass off in a fwd car - just do it in reverse and go nuts.

btw - are you frkn serious? yes, you.

Using Mathematica to decorate Easter Eggs

March 9, 2008 12:56pm

gee i hope you are also letting them enjoy real world egg dying as well....

La Pequeña Amy Winehouse

March 9, 2008 12:54pm

let us not provide everyone with a forum please. this is a waste of the precious internets.

Gold-plated wireless lightswitch

March 9, 2008 12:50pm

Good Luck Tobias!
"art is what you can get away with" - a.w.

Pro golfer hits balls at hawk until he kills it, then denies he tried to kill it

March 7, 2008 11:00am

fry him. proof that golfers are idiots.

Bicycle "handcuffs" for flexible bike-locking

March 3, 2008 9:16pm

"some kind of Fort Knox-busting wonder weapon" also called a common $30 bolt cutter will bite through than bike chain like a razor blade through a wet noodle.

trendy and cool looking, just like most marketing cons.

Unusual realistic baby sculptures

March 3, 2008 9:11pm


"Art is what you can get away with."
- andy warhol.

Serial-mouse-driven Etch-a-Sketch

March 3, 2008 9:08pm

if you like that, you will go ape shit WILD over my USB driven 'two sticks you can rub together'! Only $19.95, plus (S+H).

In other news, still no cure for cancer.....

Obsolete skills

March 2, 2008 8:22am

we should hang on to our paper maps as long as they don't take up too much space; they never need to be rebooted. But we should also be more discrete about how we select, create and collect (only the best) information or instructions. It can be an enormous waste of time if it has a limited shelf life.

Video about quest to get Dalai Lama to carry Olympic torch

March 1, 2008 6:54am

how did a discussion of the dali lama devolve into this?

$31 million worth of lost valuables on the TSA's watch

March 1, 2008 6:48am

TSA = terror support agency.

more than providing actual security, they give the appearance of security (read: your senators and representatives posturing, fear mongering, and politicking for votes)...

...slowing down business travelers, destroying productivity and gdp, helping the terrorists win. after all, don't the terrorists wish to harm our capitalist society?

maybe we should ask the terrorists for forgiveness (whether or not they are deserving) get OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST, quit pissing off them and the rest of the world, and maybe we would be safer???

Awesome rant against Diet Pepsi

February 29, 2008 11:15pm

do not drink soda . poison.\

Giant Gort robot model for auction

February 23, 2008 9:27pm

a real punk rocker could make his own out of paper mache and wire and a couple of laser pointers...hmmmmm....

Saudis set to execute illiterate, beaten woman for "witchcraft"

February 23, 2008 8:39am

Your President sells the saudi royal family f-15s, then arranges for the murder of hundreds of thousands of iraqi and afghani civilians.

what is the US interest in the middle east?


if all passenger vehicles in the US got just 25 mpg, we would need to import zero barrels of middle eastern oil.

VOTE and conserve energy.

Real fake (un)natural Japanese packaging

February 23, 2008 8:24am

hideous fakery. plastic is forever. what a waste. another sales con - 'natural' looking plastic containerism. if they go to this much trouble to fake the customer out with just the packaging, I wonder what mysteries the actual product contains? yuk. just the kind of thing to make me never purchase this product.

Wall lined with 7200 bananas

February 19, 2008 6:18pm

andy warhol

Oscilloscope Hacks

February 15, 2008 8:08pm

Laserium, anyone? Can I get a Purple Micro dot with that?

Oscilloscope Hacks

February 15, 2008 8:02pm

Laserium, anyone? Can I get a Purple Micro dot with that?

Another success in Homeland Security's War on Babies

February 15, 2008 7:47pm



Yet another example of how the terrorists are winning, continuing to take lives because of terror.

body count 9/11: about 3000
body count iraq war (flower of american youth): 4000 and climbing.
brain injuries and permanent disabilities to u.s. soldiers: 60,000 and climbing.
percentage returned soldiers with ptsd: 25%
body count number of government confirmed soldier suicides: 100+
body count iraqi civilians: 600,000 and climbing.

who is responsible for more death and destruction?
all so americans can have the priveledge driving hummers and F150s.

freedom isn't free. it costs the lives of the future of our nation - young, fit, educable soldiers. but the freedom to pollute, practice vanity, gluttony, greed, arrogance and waste?


Get us OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST. Until we abandon all interest in the middle east and stop meddling in their internal affairs, we will continue to suffer incidents like this. there is no reform. we must remove the cause - middle east involvement. our only interest there is oil. what, are we importing persian rugs, or humus, or sand. no, it is all about the oil.


Worn Free's vintage tees made famous by rockers

February 15, 2008 12:37pm

if you are a real punk you can make your own t shirt for a lot less that $40.

next thing you know they will charge you more to rip holes in it.

cool site for ideas though, thanks!

reminds me of a cartoon I drew years ago. two punks. dressed exactly alike. same leather jacket, same pierced ears. same ratty jeans and mc boots.

"basically, i'm a non-conformist."

"yeah man, me too."

Hamster's Lunch at Coco's in Los Angeles

February 14, 2008 10:09am

no body is perfect, but without mr. gates NONE of us would be here. you had all better hope MS and Honda stay solvent for a long long time. you see, competition drives innovation. my sw won't run on apple, apple and linux can't handle it, and i bet a lot of you are in the same situation.

i for one hope the wonderful folks at bb makes TON$ OF MON$, and the more they get from MS and Honda and the likes, the happier i will be. you see, i sort of trust them, and wish them success in everything they do. it is fiscally prudent to have well funded, stable, long term sponsors. and i think we all want a fiscally prudent, well funded, stable and long term bb, now, don't we?

sponsors influencing content?
submit a link.

don't like their choice of sponsors?
log off.

can't tell the difference between ads and content?

ch33z, some people are never happy unless they are miserable.

New Pornographers: "Myriad Harbour" (video)

February 13, 2008 11:53pm

wonderful! i think i will let my hair grow so i can have a band in my do!

lovely animation too...

Project Chanology continues.

February 12, 2008 10:15pm

TAKUAN: re lisa mcpherson: point taken. was she taken against her will? was she mentally fit before being recruited? there are many, many cases of abused and neglected humans surfacing every day. and the method of 'protesting' being implemented is silly and unimpressive and probably counterproductive. there are much bigger issues to be expending our energies protesting.

6,000,000+ iraqi civilians. four thousand+ american youth, fit, trained, dead. tens of thousands injured. one fourth of returnees with ptsd. 100+ confirmed soldier suicides.

choose your battles.

Project Chanology continues.

February 12, 2008 9:46pm

This $cientology 'protest' crap is almost as big a waste of time as Leggos.

Find something constructive to do with your energies. $cientology recruits (read Losers) will just find some other pit to fall or jump into. That's why they are so vulnerable to such a load of hooey. They want to believe in fairy tales.
It's a personality trait.

Why don't you all take on some meaningful cause, volunteer at a hospital or school or national park or someplace where your assistance will be welcomed? Why? because it won't be fun. They may ask you to do some real work to actually accomplish something.

You are not going to stop $cientology by prancing around wearing silly halloween masks and showing of your l33+ speak (and crappy poster making) skills. People won't take you seriously if you look like a clown, get it?

cheez. get a meaningful life and quit playing around.

Project Chanology continues.

February 12, 2008 9:02pm

pardon my ignorance - who is $cientology hurting? if they want to believe that particular fairytale, isn't that ok?
sorry i am just not aware of any real harm they are doing to any outsiders.
i always thought they were rather benign.
wouldn't recruits just find some other equally nutty cult to join?
someone please educate me here - i dont understand the fuss over this 'religion' over any other.

Interview: Bjarne P. Tveskov, Classic LEGO Space Designer

February 12, 2008 8:15pm

sorry - leggo is very, very boring for grown ups.

Cargo "blu_ray™" Makeup for HD Actors

February 12, 2008 8:13pm

its the old baffle em with bullshit con. people would rather agree (easy, lazy) with someone telling them something they don't understand than make any effort to investigate or question the con.

doctors do the same thing - intentionally use cryptic language so they appear 'special'.

"Now with even MORE SNIGLITZ!!!"

Honda's Power of Dreams

February 11, 2008 11:29pm

ANDL: what are you driving?
DALASY: I like this company. I wish I worked for this company. Their products have served me extremely well, are one of the highest quality products of any kind available today.

Honda's Power of Dreams

February 11, 2008 11:13pm

Dear Everyone who Wants what THEY think is an Ethical-Ad Laden, earth friendly, solar/wind powered, recyclable, informed, perfumed BoingBoing:

Get your own website.

Honda's Power of Dreams

February 11, 2008 11:02pm

BTW grousers - what are you driving?

oh and the "Dream" reference goes way way back with this company - the Honda 'Dream' was a groundbreaking motorcycle from the 1960's, probably the first successful Japanese cycle to be marketed in the US. And who doesn't like groundbreaking Japanese motorcycles!!!

Honda has always been a technology leader, and who here doesn't like technology.

I like technology. And computers.

Honda's Power of Dreams

February 11, 2008 10:23pm

Honda must compete in the US market. Like it or not, if they fail here in the US the company folds. And the US market drives their auto design. The >40mpg type cars sold in Europe will not sell here - the US market is too horsepower hungry.

They have the highest fleet mileage of any American auto vendor, outstanding reliability (read less cars in landfills, fewer junked parts, tires, and fewer repair bills for me).

We cannot now or in the very near future completely dispose of internal combustion engines. There is no feasible alternative infrastructure, and battery technology is not yet ready.

Oh yes, and if you don't like commercials or corporate sponsorship, God Bless You in All You Do, and i have two sticks you can rub together.

Until the day we can obtain a safe, reliable, electric car recharged by solar or wind power, if you have to have a personal automobile, consider this: all indy 500 engines for the last three years have been Honda engines - without a single engine failure. My v6 Accord - a nice big cushy luxury car - gets 30mpg hiway. And the mpg ratings for ALL vehicles have been lowered - the gov't changed the calculations to better reflect real world mpg estimates, not just Honda.

I support this company for their extreme high quality products, even if their marketing department might be a little tasteless.

Anonymous vs. Scientology protest in LA today

February 11, 2008 9:55pm

i'm also pretty sure if there were no money, power, fame or sex to be had, $cientology would fold up like a house of cards.

sorry bout that cyclops crack.
how do i do penance? i already gave up ramens for lent.

Anonymous vs. Scientology protest in LA today

February 11, 2008 9:51pm

#60 JPhilby: what motivates you?
(i should qualify - rational motivation)

to motivate means to cause to move - take real action - do something that requires real effort or significant risk. why do you think he was standing in front of that chinese tank? human rights? what rights? free speech? who cares? that man wanted the right to earn a living in a free (market) society. i dont think he was there to demand his right to recite his poetry in a public place.

i'm sure this 'protest' or whatever they want to call it was fun, but just as sure they deprogrammed no followers, nor turned away any potential converts unless they were just too embarrassed to cross the line that day.

my cyclops can kick his noodlinesses ass!

Amphibian eats mother's skin

February 11, 2008 9:25pm

can i get cheese fries with that?

Worst food in America: Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing

February 11, 2008 9:21pm

k so my mom grew up on a subsistence farm here in the midwest and she had a hankerin for a brain sandwich and i looked at the cholesterol per 4 oz serving: 1700%. TWO AND A HALF WEEKS RECOMMENDED DAILY ALLOWANCE OF CHOLESTEROL.

there is so much crap being touted as food out there - this is just one more example.

don't get me started on hydrogenated oils.
oreos = death.
read food labels.

brains, cheese fries, poutine, oreos, blue gatorade - you are eating worse than garbage.

p.s. just try to read the ingredients at any sit down restaurant. you are on your own, shriner.

Worst food in America: Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing

February 11, 2008 9:12pm

k so i was in WV one time and mentioned the lack of guardrails along the mountain passes and they said hell we dont have money for SCHOOLS here - the lack of guardrails is how we cull the herd.

eat up shriners.

Religious police in Saudi Arabia ban "red items" as part of Valentine's Day crackdown

February 11, 2008 9:04pm

#13: "Imagine the FBI as an wholly-owned subsidiary of the Seventh-Day Adventists."

Too mild here, EH, I think it's more like 'Imagine the SS as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Branch Davidians with their facts screwed up'

...............and you get something like Blackwater.

Religious police in Saudi Arabia ban "red items" as part of Valentine's Day crackdown

February 11, 2008 8:49pm

I see a plan coming together: Following the logic of the ban on sales of "red" items because they represent UnIslamic holidays, then

Green = St. Patricks day - very UnIslamic.
Purple = Easter - very VERY UnIslamic.
Orange and Black = Halloween - UnIslamic.
Red, White and Blue = July 4th - UnIslamic.
Now if I could just think of UnIslamic Grey and Yellow Holidays, we could shut down their local economies and STOP TERRORISM.

It is OK to think some things are silly or crazy, and it is OK to ridicule them, or hold them up to critical inspection.


If you cannot make judgments about right and wrong, sane and crazy, smart and stupid, well, God Bless You in All You Do, and come on over to my house Wednesday night - that's when we sacrifice our honored guests to the crocodile god.

Anonymous vs. Scientology protest in LA today

February 11, 2008 9:57am

#51 TAKUAN:RIGHT ON! a message that will be effective -BOYCOTT- Sock 'em in the wallet.

Adult Humans are motivated by four things: Money, Power, Fame and Sex (sometimes food, but food is only temporary). Adults are NOT motivated by someone telling them the difference between right and wrong! The time for learning values and morals is over at about age 7, as it is a personality trait, not knowledge or comprehension. I see a lot of "altruistic notions" in many posts here. Altruism too, is a value instilled by parents during formative years. So is learning to be (or not to be) a sucker.

Demonstrations only demonstrate our right to free speech. "Consciousness raising", "demonstrating", and "protesting" is most often a feel good for those who prefer telling others what to do rather than taking personal action. Antagonistic demonstrations are most often counterproductive, in the absence of real activism.

Sherman's march to the sea, standing in front of a Chinese tank - that's real activism. You want to defeat $cientology? Drive them into bankruptcy, strip them of their power source, or defame the leaders. Remove their motivation and they will go away.

p.s. wiki "fairy tale". LOTS of folks believe in all KINDS of fairy tales these days.

Anonymous vs. Scientology protest in LA today

February 10, 2008 8:36pm

why are so many expending so much effort to 'wise up' or reform the scientologists, rather than thinking up a clever scheme to free them from their burdensome earthly monetary units? they seem so willing to donate to whack-job fairy tales; someone please phish these guys! i will help for a small cut! don't waste time 'protesting'! take action! take their money! take their money! take their money!

Scans of 1950s kids' Valentine's Day cards

February 7, 2008 12:54pm

THANK YOU FOR THIS POST! i am in first grade again, falling head over for little Paula!!

YOu maDe MY weEk!
(note to self: add to favorites.)

Please scan 'em all! We all need some warm/fuzzy. I vote these replace unicorns!!

Tiny Tim on Ironside

February 7, 2008 12:47pm

wow - glad to hear it was the real tiny we all came to know. and he had the best taste in music ever. we will never see another jazz age, or another tiny.

Video of man firing 18 rounds from a pistol in 3 seconds

February 7, 2008 12:29pm

he will be dead in five years, one way or another.

Tiny Tim on Ironside

February 7, 2008 12:17pm

does anyone know if tiny tim was for real, or was his persona just part of his act? either way i am still astonished at his sheer guts (little else, though!).

US Customs TSA confiscating laptops

February 7, 2008 12:02pm

if I lose my laptop, I cannot go to work. i would have to say no thanks, miss that flight, book another, explain to the boss, and hope the next interrogator was less diligent. I like the dummy login idea. Contents of a hard drive cannot endanger an airplane. I would happily go to court over this one.

Seawater spray reduces cold symptoms in kids

January 25, 2008 10:53pm

sea water usually has a lot of contaminants and maybe bacteria in it doesn't it?

oh, and by the way, these guys are obviously selling something...

Can Ethernet Cabling Become Art?

January 25, 2008 10:50pm

the tying of cables is not an art but taking photographs of it and calling it art is art.

Helmet for Alzheimers

January 25, 2008 10:37pm

these guys are obviously selling something.

Japanese coffee brewing maching

January 24, 2008 6:26pm

wow what will they think of next???
$50 watermelon - cool!

Japanese coffee brewing maching

January 24, 2008 6:25pm

don't forget the high end audio cables!!!

Clothespin and skin alphabet

January 24, 2008 6:23pm

"BOR-ing!" - J.A.W.

Clothespin and skin alphabet

January 24, 2008 6:21pm

"Art is what you can get away with." - A.W.

Atlantic Monthly sets its archive free

January 24, 2008 11:20am

god how i love trenchant insights...

Papercraft working V12 engine cranks, lights up

January 24, 2008 11:18am

now i need only deploy my master plan to power this creation with AFRICAN YEAST AND SUGAR and we can RULE THE WORLD!!! mWu - ha-ha-haaaaahhh!

Gale Banks: Diesel and DIY

January 21, 2008 1:00pm

OOOOPS - hmmm - dya think that extra energy could be coming from the NITRO??? Yes, I know, it only adds oxygen so you can BURN MORE FOSSIL FUEL.

Calling all cars: why do you think they call it FOSSIL fuel?????

not sure all the facts are relayed in a clear manner here. I doubt they are getting 24mpg (Still Unacceptable) with the same engine/fuel configuration they use while racing.

Oh - yeah - almost forgot: pickups for racing?
Wiki "aerodynamics" for once in your life.

This guy is obviously selling something.

Coffee and cigarettes, sold together at last (in Japan)

January 21, 2008 12:46pm


The Brickley Engine

January 21, 2008 12:45pm

a lot of reciprocating mass and a lot of extra joints to create friction. 15-20% is not enough - we need completely renewable energy that is CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN.

Focus all R+D on decent battery development - there's the rub. Electric motors are efficient and clean. There's just no decent batteries. When charge time = fill up time (at the pump)and you can get about the same distance out of a charge as a tank of gas, we will have succeeded in making electric power tolerable. Till then, everything else is just a bridge.

Spoiled teenage pageant princess

January 6, 2008 9:27am

Believe it #1. This happens all the time - these folks just have enough money to make it bizarre enough to be entertaining. LOTS of parents these days can't say no (read: TEACH THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RIGHT AND WRONG) to their kids. Stay away from the people who worship their children in fear of not being liked by them. Their children will one day deeply resent them for making them disabled.

and they are boring.

Skyscraper airport of tomorrow, 1939

January 6, 2008 6:46am

zeppelins are cool and relatively fuel efficient, but they are inherently fragile, slow, and notoriously difficult and dangerous to manage on the ground. some even cracked up in the air in turbulent wind. for special purposes they might be ok, but for transporting people they are not a very good idea...

flying cars however...where is my damned flying car...

What would it be like to be the last person on Earth?

January 4, 2008 11:01pm

Time Machine was on AMC or Turner a couple nights ago - and I think Morlocks are at least some type of zombie anyway...I mean i bet they would eat yer brain....

The Practical Value of Impractical Design

January 4, 2008 8:58pm

"discursive gestures, narrative indulgences, even evocative abstractions"

Dear Mr. Allan Chochinov of please tell me what these words mean.

or are you just saying "play = good" ?

Photos of people who have lived in three centuries

January 4, 2008 8:37pm

sorry - those are really bad photos. was it really necessary to use such harsh lighting, unflattering high contrast, b/w film? was the artist trying to make them look like monsters? if so they did a good job. these are very unrealistic distorted images. people are soft, in an environment, a little out of focus, and in color...what is the artist saying here with the manipulation of these image characteristics? the artist has intentionally made these noble humans look very ugly.......

(reference fashion magazines which use filters and color to make people look more inviting and attractive...not harsh and cold)

What would it be like to be the last person on Earth?

January 4, 2008 8:12pm

@BILLEGIBLE: those are Morlocks - a type of zombie.

Any LHOE will have much worse problems than old, shut down nuclear reactors to worry about. Appendicitis. Pneumonia. Psychosis. Salmonella. Tigers. It'll be one of the little not-so-dramatic things that get ya.
Most people these days might last a month at best is my guess before they do something in error, get sick or commit suicide.

Love Mattress Prototype by Mehdi Mojtabvi

January 4, 2008 8:10am

Don't forget the high end audio cables!

Belkin Mouse Works Submerged in Chili

January 4, 2008 8:08am

RIGHT ON! I teach software in hospital patient care areas. Think of the GERMS!! Mice are dirty filthy creatures. So are Mouse Pads. A sheet of paper works great as a pad for most mice, and is disposable.

Edison electrocuted an elephant 105 years ago today

January 4, 2008 7:58am

It's all about the wattage folks (volts x amps)- not AC vs DC. High voltage with low amperage will not kill you, nor will low voltage with high amperage.

But ramp up wattage and either DC or AC will kill. AC will defibrilate your heart - DC will burn.

Haunted Mansion spiel to be scripted

January 4, 2008 7:34am

Welcome To Corporate America! Pablum in; Pablum out.


(don't forget to visit our gift $hop on your way out...)

Hot...Rock? Hot Rock!

January 3, 2008 12:54pm

for eighty shiny you can pretend to eat like a caveman! yabadadoo!

UK mall bans grandparents for trying to photo their grandkids

January 3, 2008 12:32pm

An apology is NOT recompense for these peoples inconvenience, emotional stress, time, and now, having the unwanted publicity of having their faces plastered all over the intertubes. This event will haunt them for a long, long time.

An apology is only words. Anyone can issue an apology - watch this - "i'm sorry" - there - was that sincere enough???? shall I type more??? An apology does NOT erase the fact that someone has been wronged or hurt!!! An apology is NEVER enough.

If the person(s) responsible will not step up to the plate and make a good faith effort to recompense these folks (like with a gift certificate) then the persons responsible must be punished - if the law won't step up to the plate, hit where it hurts - the only place they will pay attention - in their wallet. Money (or the loss of it) is one of the very few motivators for adults.

UK mall bans grandparents for trying to photo their grandkids

January 3, 2008 11:07am


Who is the terrorist now? THE MALL SECURITY GUARD.
Or is there a real security risk here? They do seem rather concerned...hmmmm....another reason to

Hot...Rock? Hot Rock!

January 3, 2008 8:40am

Don't overlook the high end audio cables!

Furoshiki: Elegant Japanese Wrapping Technique

January 3, 2008 12:45am

you need instructions for this? you need to print these instructions?

Drum Buddy

January 2, 2008 10:45am

Don't forget the high end audio connection cable$!!

Drum Buddy

January 2, 2008 10:31am

Oh you simply MUST see Mr.Quintron and Miss Pussy Kat (?) live in concert. You will not be the same afterwards! And his dressing down of "technology" is wonderful! the "can" is a REAL coffee can!

And if you grok the "electricity = organic" then the next $999 you have to spare MUST be committed to the purchase of a Drum Buddy. (good for stimulating Mr.Quintron's economy)

Best Buy won't refund "hard drive" that turned out to be a box of bathroom tiles

October 29, 2007 11:02pm

You get what you pay for, or not....including service, reliability, product knowledge, kindness, trust, etc. Try shopping instead for the MOST expensive product that you can afford, within reason, compare the difference, weigh the alternatives etc. You may find it a false economy to shop the cheapest price. Remember the Wal-Mart axiom....the lowest possible price also nearly always equals the lowest possible quality - and you are not just buying a product, but the service(s) that may necessarily go along with it.

Suzuki's Tonka-like X-HEAD Concept Truck

October 2, 2007 7:35am

man are they silly. it is a fashion statement. there is little or no 'utility' to this monstrosity, and none mentioned in the text.

lifestyle? fashion? coolly to ride? what are they thinking? yeah - tonka trucks are for little kids. good marketing, suzuki, for an infantile market.

30-Year "Betavoltaic" Battery Hoax

October 2, 2007 7:20am

hmmm, am i the only one concerned here about 'beta particles' and 'radioisotopes' in my LAP(top)?????


Odd Propeller-Driven Vehicles

October 2, 2007 7:11am

oh my - that is some cow catcher! or is it a cow sprayer?

why did they create these things? is it not obvious that a mechanical drive would be more efficient? were they just caught up in the novelty?

James Randi Calls Out Audiophile: I'm Sure the Crickets Will Sound Fantastic

October 2, 2007 6:54am

I LOVE to see products like this. Anyone with that much money and that little sense SHOULD spend it on useless items like these cables, fast dangerous cars, haircuts, jewelery, iPhones, and any other display of excess. It's Darwinism, folks!

It's the essence of a trickle down economy. If the rich did NOT waste their resources and instead compiled their wealth, there would be a lot of Unique Whip (and AutoZone), fashion designers (and Macy's) employees out of work. As well as the market for the not so rich (read poor) who try to EMULATE excessive consumption. How many phat gold chains are solid gold, eh??? If the members of this market niche were hungry, well they would allocate their resources differently.

Target marketing this high $ audience makes perfect sense to me.

Hey - are those cables MADE IN CHINA??????

Soviet watches

October 2, 2007 6:36am

WOW - excellence in product design. EVERY piece is simple to use and easy to read, and beautiful to look at. Pure functionality need not be ugly. These are some of the most beautiful wristwatches i have ever seen. Likewise your website reflects your appreciation of good design principles.

Sleek, elegant, easy, and serves its intended purpose with no visual or functional noise - the watches and your website. Qualities sadly lacking in modern wristwatches and websites.

It would be nice to have some text along with the beautiful photos - you have piqued my curiosity about a subject i was not previously interested in or aware of.

Kind of sad that wristwatches today are merely jewelry. Few life situations in which we need to know the exact time in which there is no clock to use - there are timepieces on almost every appliance in modern life - dashboards, laptops, radios, etc. most include a timepiece, so there is little need anymore to burden your body carrying one around...

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